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See Life in a New Light

Easy to read poems that set the heart free and help us find life’s magic.

Dive Deep Into Poetry and Life

Get a deeper sense of love, death, and other aspects of life by looking within. WENDY NEGLEY, Poet will help you unlock the mysteries beyond what the eyes can see through our published poetry books. I’m not only an author. I’m also a spiritual counselor. I bring insights to my poetry. Click the Amazon links below to order my books!

What People Say 

“To say that Wendy Negley has a way with words is the understatement of the year! What she's written in The Heart Has No Rules tells me she far surpasses my feeble efforts at writing. Every poem in The Heart has No Rules touched an emotional chord in me, gave me insights into human nature, left me pondering her deep meanings or inspired me (or all of the above). None of her poems are long, but each one had an impact on my heart and soul. I highly recommend The Heart has No Rules.”

-Daniel Quillen, author of Secrets of Tracing Your Ancestors and his six-volume Quillen's Essentials of Genealogy series.

“Overall, I like the way how beautifully you portray your emotions using a clean and smooth transition of poetic devices in your poems. The structure of the poems is truly remarkable. Most of all it's quite intriguing to see how you combine love with rage, season, senses, time, nature, and other elements to execute fine poetry. Well done Wendy”

-Ruchi Acharya, Editor Wingless Dreamer

“The poetry contained in "The Heart Has No Rules" by Wendy Negley is deeply personal while at the same time universally relevant. The writer opens her heart and emotions to share intimate moments of her life with the reader. But there is more. There is a message that begins with the title and continues through the rest of her poems.

To this reader, the message is that we create the rules of how we choose to live our own lives; that we are not limited by the "now I'm supposed to" opinions or views of others, and that life is within us today and we create a future that we want to live.

My opinion is that sometimes we all need a friendly tap on the shoulder to remind us of the truth of this message and the writing of Wendy provides us with such a reminder. It is highly recommended.”

- Dan Jacobs, author of "The Natural Laws Of Selling" selected by Amazon Editors Choice as “Best Book in 2019."

The Heart Has No Rules by Wendy Negley: Coming Soon Heart has No Rules, poems about Love, Death and other stuff. This is available now at Hugo House Publishers click this link for a sample and to purchase the book:

Robert Frost Anthology Book

Currently available at Amazon

Poems Inspired by Robert Frost, an Anthology by Wingless Dreamer.

‘Birds Sing Anyway' is on p. 63.


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